The topic of dissertation is The Role Of Commercial Banks In Financial Small Scale Industry In Nigeria. A case study of union bank of Nigeria plc.The major objective of the study is to ascertain the extent to which union bank of Nigeria plc has helped to financial small scale industries Instrument of data collection is questionnaires and research questions which formed the source of primary data, while materials from various published articles, textbooks, journals and newspaper formed the secondary data.The method of analysis is the use of tables, percentages and chi-square .The major finding of the research is that union bank of Nigeria plc has helped to financial small scale industries period under review. The recommendation based on the finding is that in order to reduce the risk in small scale industry lending, the central bank of Nigeria and the government can do more than they are doing currently scheme. The study concluded that if the desired objective of using small scale industries as catalysts of development is to be achieved than the role of commercial banks should be mutually supportive.